Supporting Parents with Distance Learning
While schools across the country respond to the second wave of Corona Virus, parents everywhere are looking for ways to adapt, once again, to distance learning. Parents aren’t just wearing many hats during distance learning; they are wearing ALL the hats. School-Connection wants to provide parents with important resources, tips, and strategies they can use at home to support their kids. We aim to support our community; because it takes a village!
Important At-Home Tips for Distance Learning
One issue many parents are struggling with right now is the need for childcare. During the school year, the class served as childcare for many parents across the country. Now that classrooms are virtual, however, parents have to be home all day with their children. After-school programs offer parents an outlet to drop off their children and receive a few hours of free time where work can get done and errands can be run.
After-school programs also offer a safe space for kids to spend time. Your children can safely interact with other students while in a nurturing environment that encourages learning and understanding. These programs help students build relationships not just with other students but also with educators. After-school programs are known for supporting a more diverse demographic of educators than are typically found within schools. According to Education Week, about 80 percent of school teachers are white and female. Exposing students to diverse groups of people helps broaden their perspective and gives them a wider sense of the world.
Educational after-school programs also take the pressure off of parents to be a teacher. Many parents have been struggling to help their children bridge the learning gap during the global pandemic. Kids are now turning to their parents for more help with assignments and more questions on understanding material since they can’t ask these questions during class as easily. Working parents often don’t have time to assist their children with homework, not to mention it can be difficult to help when you don’t understand the material yourself. After-school programs take the pressure off parents to fill that teacher role by giving students the extra instruction they need to understand a lesson fully.
The impact of after-school programs on students
Start with Sleep
Since most of us are spending more time working from home, it’s easy to fall into poor sleep habits. Not only will this throw each family member off, but students will be less motivated to work, less regulated in their emotions, and certainly less pleasant. It sounds simplistic, but when thinking about the best ways to set your student up for success, start with sound and consistent sleep habits.
Harvard Medical School recommends beginning by creating a comfortable and serene sleep environment. Coupled with maintaining good nutrition and moderate exercise, it’s possible to set you and your children up for a day filled with positive energy and a healthy focus.
Maintaining a consistent schedule for sleeping & eating, academics, and down-time is incredibly valuable while trying to keep everyone on track. When students of all ages know what to expect, the smoother things will go. Parents are juggling their own work schedules, therefore developing routines in times of distress can help everyone manage their anxieties and workload.
Prep Scholar offers weekly schedule samples and guidelines; and tips for older students regarding how much time to spend on each subject, how to keep up on study tasks, and how to build flex time.
Teachers Pay Teachers is a website chock full of helpful resources. Since parents are tasked with teaching, we think you should know about this wonderful resource. Here you can spend a few dollars to download an editable schedule for your student based upon grade level. In fact, anything you need to support the curriculum or to help with the organization should be here and already developed by a teacher. Don’t reinvent the wheel when resources like these can help save you time.
Limit Distractions
Smartphones, laptops, and other devices can be important tools in distance learning but can also lead to off-task behaviors. Reward students with screen time by reinforcing that study tasks should be free from distractions like text messaging, the internet, apps, and gaming.
If you have trouble accessing technological devices or the internet, there is help out there. Check out EveryoneOn. This non-profit is dedicated to providing internet, tech devices, and training to low-income families who need support during distance learning.
Mix it up!
It’s important to keep kids engaged using multi-sensory activities. Add some fun into the everyday drudgery of online classes. This can offer a nice opportunity for family bonding. Try adding the following to your routine:
- Baking, cooking, & trying new recipes
- Take the classroom outside when possible
- Schedule nature walks
- Try a family yoga class here.
- Make a board game or play one you all love
- Start a household book club or an online book club with friends
- Plan mini celebrations: Friday pizza party, Wednesday trivia, etc.
School-Connection’s 1:1 Tutoring Program
For parents who are looking to supplement their child’s at-home learning experience, School-Connection offers 1:1 tutoring online and in person. Now, more than ever, students can benefit from reviewing previously learned concepts and direct instruction teaching methods for concepts that may be challenging. We work at your student’s own pace, track and carefully monitor progress, and use an encouraging and empowering environment. We can be part of the team that prevents your child from falling behind.
Here are some ways our 1:1 tutoring program can help during distance learning:
- It’s perfect for students in challenging classes like Chemistry, Physics, & Geometry. 2020 has not been ideal for students in high level and challenging classes. They will need to have this content mastered for SAT’s, ACT’s, and next step HS or college courses. With one to one support, students will not fall behind.
- It’s ideal for students of all ages who find learning difficult. Students with learning disabilities and who benefit from in-person instruction are at an even bigger disadvantage with a distance learning model. Let us remediate skills, teach concepts, and improve the confidence of the most vulnerable learners.
- It’s great for students who want to be sure they are prepared for the next grade level. We can assess skills and abilities and keep students on track. 2020 should not be a lost instructional year. We can make up any lost ground.
- It can help students improve their reading. Our well-trained teachers can provide a systematic and empirically-based reading program that can cover phonics, decoding, vocabulary development, and comprehension skills.
2020 doesn’t have to be a lost academic year for students. We can work together to support our students, improve their skills, and remain connected in these uncertain and unpredictable times. If you would like to talk to a School-Connection staff, we can discuss ways to create an individualized program that will remediate academic deficits and be certain your child doesn’t fall behind. Take advantage of our 20-30 minute consultation/assessment process and learn how School-Connection can become part of your team!